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Writer's picture: Esmeralda MonthlyEsmeralda Monthly

Beforelook :

Dubaï is an amazing city situated in the United Arab Emirates at 5251 km from Paris. It's right next to the Mediterranean sea, it was established in the 18th century as a small fishing village, however, in the 21st century it grew rapidly and became an important city for tourists and for shopping.

Before, Dubaï was empty desert but when people discovered the amount of petrol in the desert, they invested the petrol money to make a big city that they named Dubaï.

History of Dubai:

Dubai is located at Persian Gulf and in 19th century, many cargos were exchanged between London and Bombay in India. Dubai was under the British Empire which used it as a transit point for trade. They saw no interest in developing it. But in the 20th century, sheik Rachid claims that there wont be any taxes against sellers. Dubai fastly became the biggest commercial center of the region thanks to a huge amount of indian traders.

The city equally became a big trading center for pearls . But the Dubai archtecture didnt please Sheik Rachid so in 1959,Sheik Rachid went to Rome and other big cities to get inspiration ; London marked him because of the metros so, the first he does when he comes back to Dubai is to enlarge the technology of Duabi. In 1961he builds an aeroport. But in 1966, he discovers oil and it helps him invest in lots of projects.

Sheikh rashid built a skyscraper in 1979 named world trade center for buisiness being an unprecedented urban building for dubai but for the world this was insignificant because 100 story buildings already existed. He died in 1981 but his work was continued by one of his son, muhammad, who also wanted too turn dubai into an international city. In 2000, he introduced emirates tower witch were higher than any building in Europe at this time. But this was not enough for him and he always wanted build the tallest building in the world. In 2010, he built the Burj Khalifa, the highest skyscraper in the world. Now, he wants to turned dubai into a sportive competition city.

Economy :

People in Dubai have high salaries, an average salary is 19600 dirhams ( about 4700euros). You can find lots of jobs in Dubai : Engineers, security guards, real estate agents, Social media and marketing specialist, doctors and other. Even if it seems that. Generally, people in Dubai aren't poor but we can find immigrants coming from Nepal, the Philippines, India and other Asian countrys. These immigrants are very poor and work hard, they are usually constructors, maids, taxi drivers or other exhausting jobs... But how luxurious it can seem, everything there is really expensive ( the prices can get 60% higher than in France). Dubai is the 5th oil exporter.


-In Dubai, women have less rights then men

-In Dubai, there are many laws, the fines are pretty expensive for some of them.

-You are not allowed to wear girl clothes if you are a boy and vice-versa.

-You can't chew chewing-gum nor drink or eat anything when you are in the metro.

-You are not allowed to spit on the floor.

-You can't point someone with your finger.

-You can't do any obscene sign with your hand.

-It is strictly illegal to be drunk in public.

-If you take a photo and people are in it, you need to ask them then rights.

-You cant insult people even if you have a good reason.

The habits :

-You arent allowed to shake hands with a person of the opposite gender or with a person you met for this first time.

-People in Dubai always complain about the weather because its always sunny.

-People in Dubai always open the door for the person behind them, so the tourists should too.

-People in Dubai are always positive, they almost never spread negativity

-In Dubai, everyone’s day starts very early, people there hate to waste time because “money is time”


There are lots of cool places and landmarks that you can visit at Dubai, like the most know one is the burj khalifa (it means khalifa's tower). It's the tallest tower in the world, at a whopping 828meters.

Moreover, the Dubai mall is the biggest mall in the world, there are four stages, a commercial center where there are only restaurants and fast foods and lots of places to shop. I used to go there once a week.

Burj al arab is a great hotel, people say it's a 7 star hotel, the best in the world, there are golden furniture, luxurious beds and a beautiful view of the mediterranian sea. I however never went there.

You can also visit Dubai ski, it's an artificial ski station, you can go on the sled, you go really fast, you can ski and there is a lot of fake snow, it is in the Dubai mall. We can even go there on school trips !

You can also visit the Dubai aquarium, it's also in the Dubai Mall, you go through a long glass hallway where you are surrounded by water and fish from all around the world ! If you are old enough, you can even go scuba-diving with the sharks. I remember that I went on a birthday there, it was really nice.

Of course there are many more places to visit in Dubai but it's too long to tell them all.


What about the schools in Dubai ? Well, I've been to a school in Dubai, it was an American school,

The morning, we prepare our own food and put it in a lunchbox, we will eat it in school when luch time comes, you could also buy food in the school, it was about 5-20 dirhams for a good meal, I remember that sometimes there were doughnuts and I was always happy about it. When we are ready, we go downstairs of our bulding and the school bus came to bring us to school, I sometimes missed the bus and I was really sad about it. In the bus, there is a grown up who watches up, there is also all the kids in the neighborhood because there one bus per neighborhood. After picking up all the kids, the bus heads to school, we head to the playground and our principal teacher(yes we had principal teachers in high-school) and she leads us to our class, from what I remember there weren't any men in the teachers. We had a school schedule(yes we had school schedules in high-school). There are about 3 breaktimes and one of the breaktimes is the lunch time. We had a football field with grass, a playground for the people in high-school and for the people in middle school and more because in my school, there was kindergarten, high school, middle school all the way up to university. I also really liked chimics because we did big experiences with cool products.

We studied 3 languages, french, english and arabic (most of the time, the classes were in arabic).

The school was really big and most of the time I kept losing my way so I follwed the class. We did activities like once per month, those were the best moments, either we did an activity in the school (like a treasure hunt or a little game with other classes) or either we WENT OUT ON AN ACTIVITY, although it was pretty rare, we sometimes went out of the school and went to a cool place like I remember one time we went skiing, or to a museum(that isn't boring) or the best time was when we went to kidi-land, it was an activity park where you discover lots of things (like how is ,kinder made or how to make tasty fruit juice)

Fun facts :

-Dubai produces over 4.5 Olympic swimming pools of oil per day

-Dubai has a disneyland 2times bigger than in Paris, they built it for over 63,4 billion

-40% of gold in exchanged in Dubai

-People can see burj khalifa from 95km

-criminality percentage is close to 0

-Dubai is one of the most prolific cities in the world




by Esmeralda Monthly

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