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Sherlock Holmes by Willem

Writer's picture: Esmeralda MonthlyEsmeralda Monthly

Sherlock Holmes

is a fiction’s character make up by Sir Arthur Conon Doyle ( 1859-1930).

He is a detective. He is very intelligent and he’s got a very good memory and a good sens of observation. He resolves lot of riddles*with clues**.

Sherlock has a dear friend : Doctor Watson ! Sherlock lives in 221 Baker street in London.

He is tall, thin and ele

gant . He smokes a pipe.

Baker street: 221b Baker Sreet is famous london home of Sherlock Holmes and john Watson. The landlady*** of this house is Mrs. Hudson

Sherlock’s stills****: Sherlock can do a lot of things: observation,deduction,forsensic siences, logical reasoning and he can also playing violin.

Doctor John Watson: Doctor Watson is a dear friend of Serlock. He helps sherlock in these investigations: he is a very precious ally*****.

James Moriaty: professor James Moriaty is Sherlock Holmes’s worst enemy (pire ennemi). Moriaty is a crimminal . Holmes describes him as « Napoleon of crime »

this book has been adapted for many movies( beaucoup de films)


* riddle: énigme *** landlady: propriétaire *****ally: allié

**clues : indices ****stills : compétances

the baker street

james moriaty dr. watson




by Esmeralda Monthly

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