Harry Potter is a series of books with 7 books and 1 play rewritten into a book. They were written by Jane Rowling.
Tome 1:
Harry Potter and the philosophers stone.
HarryPotter is an orphan because his parents were killed by the dark wizard Voldemort. He is helped by his uncle Vernon and his wife Petunia, They have a son, Dudley.
Harry receive a letter telling him that he is a student at Hogwarts. It was a giant named Hagrid come to take him to the crossroad for school case. Everybody know him. After, Hagrid take him in the station and puf evaporate. Harry is lost in the station, and soddenly hi hears a voice: “hurry up to the route 9¾, it's off here”. He meet the weasley family with who he crosses to the train platform. In the train, he meet 's Ronald Weasley. They make friend. At Hogwarts, it is Halloween, Hermione Granger is attacked by a troll in the toilets, harry and Ron comme to save her. Then they make friends.Harry discovers that a stone existes in a chamber and voldemort wants it, he decides that you now who will not have it. They meet in the chamber and harry Potter saves the stone.

Ron(ald) Harry Hermione


by :Lana Léa Joy and Jeanne
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