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Complotist websites

Writer's picture: BKV VillamosBKV Villamos

Updated: May 24, 2022

By Victor

Today I'm going to tell you about a covid-sceptic “journal”, the “Reinfo Covid” website, about a survival guide, and I will explain to you why their arguments are false.

1st argument of "reinfocovid" : Covid’s mortality is low.

Why it’s not true : from February 2020, the World Health Organization was on alert and said it was dangerous. In 2020, in France, the mortality rate jumped by 9.1 %. A rate that had never ever been seen before.

2nd : Delta and Omicron variants are just a common cold.

Why it’s wrong : Ok, they are maybe a little bit less stronger than the “original” covid, but it was always fatal to 200 000 people in Malaysia, so maybe it’s a little bit dangerous ?!

3rd : There are billions of deaths because of the vaccination and its undesirable effects.

Why that’s wrong : “only” 12 persons in Europe are surely dead because they got the vaccine, and almost everybody had a little headache 1-2 days after they were vaccinated, but nothing else.

Recap : “Réinfocovid”’s website uses real numbers, published by official institutions, but not to their predicted objective, so they use numbers but not for the publisher's intention.

They are also covido-skeptics, but their angle is generally for “liberty rights”.

Always in “liberty defense”, there is a “book” for-it’s a quote : “How to survive in dictature”. That’s very ambitious !

In this little book (35 pages), there are advice to “escape police interviews” (?), advice to justify you to the police when you are not wearing your face mask. You can also find some quotes about official documents but always not to their original use (police honor code for example). There is also a false medical certificate, delivered by a doctor, but delivered by Eve Engerer. Who is she ?

She was a doctor, from Wangenbourg, in Bas-Rhin, but in 2020, after 3 months of covid, she started to say to her patients the covid was a “pedo-satanist conflict” or other things in this way. 2 months after the first cases, the regional sanitary authority, suspended her, and from September 2021, she’s not still a doctor. Let’s have a look at this famous certificate.

On this document, we can see a date that you can complete, so this certificate can be found on the internet and falsely used by everyone. The name is not completed too, a proof that shows that is not the doctor who completed this document. This false was used by approximately 200-300 persons, said the regional sanitary authority. Eve Engerer has now 2 law suit, one for her irrespect of doctor’s rules, and one for complicity of usage of false documents.

By Victor




by Esmeralda Monthly

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