On the January 6th 2021, the supporters of Trump enter into the capitol, in Washington.
Four protesters and one police agent were killed in the operation.
The sixth of January, at 2pm, the certification of the victory of Biden was in progress, when the attack of capitol started,
A little before, Trump put oil on the fire and said on twitter :

The attack of the capital (BBC photo)
After this attack, Twitter blocked Trump's account for and the president elect, Joe Biden,
said “It’s chaos, it borders on sedition and it must end now. I call this mob to pull back and allow this work of democracy to go forward”.
Instagram and Facebook blocked too these account. Deprived of twitter, his favorite media,
deprived of these supporters in republican camp, more and more of these partners at the white house abandon it like Betsy DeVos or Elaine Chao.Overwhise, he said’s he don’t go to the investiture, the 20 January.