Astra - Lost in Space is a manga of science-fiction (adapted into anime) created by Kenta Shinohara. There are 5 volumes in the series. This manga talks about space and life.
Summary :
In the future, a crew of 8 high school students and a 10-year-old girl were chosen to go on a 5-day school trip into space on the planet McPa. Teenagers are left on the planet without adults to see if they do well on their own. But they have barely begun to explore the exoplanet when a supernatural phenomenon throws them into space, more than 5,000 light-years away! Is this a set-up to kill the high school students or a random event? How will the teenagers get home?
The characters :
Zack Walker is a genius who has an IQ of 200. It’s the pilot of the spaceship.
Age : 17 years old
Birthday : June 9th
Height : 185 cm
Weight : 76 kg
Aries Spring is a very friendly and cheerful girl, but also really forgetful.
Age : 17 years old
Birthday : April 20th
Height : 162 cm
Weight : 52 kg
Kanata Hoshijima is very strong and courageous, but he is very arrogant and always thinks he is the captain.
Age : 17 years oldBirthday : May 5th
Height : 181 cm
Weight : 71 kg
Luca Esposito is very good at art. He rarely intervenes in the story.
Age : 17 years old
Birthday : August 19th
Height : 162 cm
Weight : 47 kg
Funicia Rafaeli (nickname: Funi) is a 10-year-old girl integrated into the crew. She is very friendly and kind.
Age : 10 years old
Birthday : October 19th
Height : 136 cm
Weight : 31 kg
Quitterie Raffaeli is a girl with a rather cold attitude, because she was educated badly.
Age : 17 years old
Birthday : June 1st
Height : 157 cm
Weight : 43 kg
Charce Lacroix is a clever boy who loves animals and plants.
Age : 17 years old
Birthday : April 28th
Height : 176 cm
Weight : 58 kg
Yunhua Lu is a girl who was very shy at first. His dream will be revealed in volume 2.
Age : 17 years old
Birthday : August 25th
Height : 179 cm
Weight : 65 kg
As well as Yunhua, Ulgar is very withdrawn at first, but that won’t last long.
Age : 17 years old
Birthday : August 25th
Height : 179 cm
Weight : 67 kg
Vocabulary :
Always = toujours
Badly = “mauvaisement”
Barely begun = tout juste commencé
Cheerful = joyeux
Chosen = participe passé de “choisir” : choisi.e.s, ici “choisis”
Clever = intelligent
Crew = équipage
Do well on their own : ici “bien faire tous seuls”
Event = événement
Forgetful = étourdi
Get = ici “retrouver”
Height = hauteur (pour une personne, ici : “taille”)
High school students = lycéens
Kind = gentil
Left = participe passé de “laisser”: laissé.e.s, ici “laissés”
Light-year = année-lumière
More than = plus que
Phenomenon = phénomène
Random = aléatoire
Rather cold attitude = attitude “froide”
Set-up = coup monté
Shy = timide
Space = espace
Spaceship = vaisseau spatial
Strong = fort
Summary = résumé
Supernatural = surnaturel
Teenager = adolescent
That won’t last long = ça ne durera pas
Trip = voyage
Throws them = ici “les a projetés”
Weight = poids
Withdrawn = renfermé
Without = sans
I don't know the manga but the article is very interesting
I love this article 😍