- What's you name?
- My name is Alice.
- How old are you?
-I am 12.
-What you favorite color?
- I loooove green.
- Can you play tennis?
- Yes I can … A little.
- Can you dance?
- Yes !
- Can you singing?
-Yes ! And I love it !
-Can you cook?
- I don't now … I'm not sure if it'll be really good.
- Can you snow?
- No I really can't !!
- What's nationality?
- I am American (born in Chicago) French (mother from Paris) and Colombian (Father from Barranquilla) !!!
- Where are you from?
-I am from Chicago (United States).
- What's your city?
-I leave in Nantes but I was born in Chicago.
- What's your favorite activity?
- I loooove ride horses !! It's my entire life !